Tuesday, October 31, 2006

yo pple.. while pwing for the past few days, NJ103 (my pw grp) thought of going to watch DOA. =)

so we decided on a date: 7th nov, same day as OP n 1 day b4 class chalet.
time: dunno yet. probably after last PW grp has presented in our class then go watch after that.
place: town? somewhere near sch? vivo? anywhere lah... since the next day is class chalet anyways...

at first we thought of making it a class guys outing (it's DOA what...), but then realised that SOME girls actually want to watch it too... so i suppose a whole class outing would b quite ok too... can celebrate the end of PW!!!!!

n then go watch movie.... go home. next day go chalet. sounds like gd idea? anybody got comments? anybody wanna go?? please respond. =)

9:38 PM: Haikal

Monday, October 30, 2006

Class Chalet!!

Date: 8 nov to 10 nov
Venue: Downtown East

all thanks to huijuin for helping us book the chalet!! wheeee x) thanks girl!

so people!! go for chalet k. it'll be fun!! our very dear kelly and bunny [i.e benjamin] are going too!! carrots! ok. random.

aaron "what happen to my carrots?"
cheryl "you are very very bored"
yanqin "yar lar lijing..."
aaron "death note a lot of pictures"
cheryl "you very crap leh"
yanqin "yar lar lijing..."
lalala xP

ok. above is random. main point - GO FOR CHALET!!!


jiayou for op also. lalala. our pw torture will end one week and a day later x) wheeeeeeeeeeee
yanqin "anything else?"
cheryl "no"

ok. x)

seeya at chalet arh..


more info on class chalet will be up soon (: -cheryl.

2:10 PM: moi

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

ok. this is my attempt to revive our class blog at annarine's request.

Ten Top Trivia Tips about ohsixsfourteen!

1. The average human spends about 30 days during their life in ohsixsfourteen.
2. ohsixsfourteen are physically incapable of sticking their tongue out!
3. You share your birthday with ohsixsfourteen.
4. While performing her duties as queen, Cleopatra sometimes dressed up as ohsixsfourteen.
5. ohsixsfourteen will give a higher yield if milked when listening to music!
6. ohsixsfourteen are actually a vegetable, not a fruit.
7. The Australian billygoat plum contains a hundred times more Vitamin C than ohsixsfourteen.
8. During severe windstorms, ohsixsfourteen may sway several feet to either side!
9. If you kiss ohsixsfourteen for one minute you will burn six or seven calories.
10. 68 percent of all UFO sightings are by ohsixsfourteen.


so promos are finally over and the results are out.
CONGRATS to all!!
we survived!!
let's work harder next year together!! (:

6:07 PM: CHERYL :D

Monday, October 09, 2006

hey guys.... juz wanna tell u all if u all wanna blog on the ignis blog... can do so by logging into the class acc n blog from there cuz i juz added u all as members.... do feel free to use it and give any feedback to the ignis house councillors regarding anything.

the only rule is: be responsible for what you say. =)

8:13 PM: Haikal

NJC - 06S14 - IGNIS

aaron - adeline - alexander - annarine - benjamin - cheryl - eileen - elaine - haikal - hui juin - jennifer - kelly chan - kelly er - li hui - li jing - liu pu - matthew - nina - qing sheng - renuka - rong'en - shaun - shi hua - sijing - sumin - ting yang - wan yi - wei quan - wen hao - xiao xian - xin xue - yan qin - yong chun - yuquan - zhi rui -

OGL: ling hui- kendrick - nuan ting - xin ming -


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